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John Deere Self-Sharpening Mower Blade For 60-Inch Decks

Product ID:UC15158

Price  $41.05

In Stock

John Deere Self-Sharpening Mower Blade For 60-Inch Decks

The John Deere self-sharpening blade is a patented technology that applies a layer of extremely hard material on the bottom side cutting edge of the mower blade. Mower blades have a significant impact on the cut quality and  require regular maintenance to keep the blades sharp.  The layer of hard material applied to the bottom of the blade wears at a slower rate than the standard steel mower blade. By creating a different wear pattern, the hard material is exposed continuously creating a sharp edge. As the mower blade is used, the base steel of the mower blade continues to wear faster than the added material which provides a continuous edge that essentially self sharpens itself.

Fits On:

  • Z915B
  • Z915E
  • Z920A
  • Z920M
  • Z925A EFI Pro
  • Z925A
  • Z925M EFI Flex Fuel
  • Z930A
  • Z930M EFI
  • Z930M
  • Z930R
  • Z945M
  • Z945M EFI
  • Z950A
  • Z950M
  • Z950R
  • Z955M EFI
  • Z960A
  • Z960M
  • Z960R
  • Z970R
  • Z994R
  • Z997R

6 Months

Part Shop details
Product Type
Blades, Self-Sharpening
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