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Replacement Coupler for TY26457 Grease Joint Rejuvenator, 2-Pak

Product ID:TY27333

Price  $6.47

In Stock

Replacement Couplers for TY26457 Grease Joint Rejuvenator, 2-Pak. Replace one on the tool, and store the other in the tool case.
Replacement Coupler for TY26457 Grease Joint Rejuvenator, 2-Pak Quickly open plugged grease fittings and joints with the TY26457 Grease Joint Rejuvenator. These replacement couplers come in a two pack, one to replace on the tool, and a spare to store with the tool in the travel case. This is a great tool for every machinery maintenance or service mechanic.

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Product Group
Grease Guns and Accessories
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