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12 Pack Callaway SuperSoft Golf Balls

Product ID:SCU218497AG

Price  $42.99

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  • 12 pack Callaway SuperSoft Golf Balls
  • Four pack of sleeves with three balls in each sleeve
  • Large, extremely soft, 38 compression core for reduced spin, straighter flight and increased velocity
  • Thin ionemer cover, HEX aerodynamics
  • White with Green and Yellow logo
    What do you get when you combine our lowest compression golf ball ever with a soft cover and our new Premium HEX Aerodynamics surface pattern? A long, straight distance ball that is incredibly soft. With its soft feel, an ultra-low compression core to deliver ball speed, and super low spin for straight ball flight, this is a ball that golfers love playing! Four pack of sleeves with three balls each has large, extremely soft, 38 compression core for reduced spin, straighter flight and increased velocity Thin ionemer cover, HEX aerodynamics White with Green and Yellow logo

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      **Taxes, freight, setup and delivery are not included. Offers valid in the U.S only. Prices shown are in US dollars. Prices subject to change without notice.