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Rear Tire for TH and TS Gators

Product ID:M170697

Price  $184.05

In Stock

25 x 12 - 9 Knobby Tire
John Deere OEM replacement tires are designed for great traction and long life for high performance no matter your task. John Deere OEM replacement tires are the replacement choice for you and your toughest tasks.

M170697 replaces M155439

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Fits On:
  • TH 6X4 - Diesel
  • TH 6X4 - Gas
  • TS 4X2

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Product Type
Wheels and Tires
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Product Group
Wheels and Tires
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    **Taxes, freight, setup and delivery are not included. Offers valid in the U.S only. Prices shown are in US dollars. Prices subject to change without notice.